A POEM AND PAINTING FOR DIGONG LOOK: Davao-based journalist Stella Estremera and Mindanaoan artist Kublai Millan launched the book “Quarantine Reflections: A photographic journey of Kublai Millan reflected in words by Stella Estremera,” and art exhibit today, “Sunrises for the Soul,” today, August 18, at The Atrium of SM Lanang Premiere. Former President Rodrigo Duterte, Senator Bong Go, and Honeylet Avanceña were among those who invited to grace the event and cut the ribbon to officially kickstart the beginning of the exhibit, which will run until August 31, 2022.

“An ode to Digong” (A poem by Stella, read by Kublai, for a painting done by Kublai on the former President)

You have said your goodbyes,

Ever grateful to have served

But more thrilled now to march on.

The past six years have not been kind,

Your steps slowed down, unsteady

Portraying the onus worth 112-million.

But marched on, you did,

Bravely facing the blazing sunset

Of an equally blazing performance.Y

ou embraced the quiet of a life

Now lived no longer at the helm

The burden relished only in remembrance.

No longer is it yours to serve the snarky 112-million

Now you can choose to rise at dawn

Then snuggle back under your mosquito net.

Yes, you have said your goodbyes

And revved up your motorcycle to chase sunsets

But no, we’re not ready to let you go, not yet.

You’ve been our leader, punisher, protector

Through two generations and more you labored

That life is done, you have said your goodbyes.

Read a book, break bread with us, share coffee,

Ride to the next town, eat inun-unan or just a bowl of steaming balbacua

‘Coz a sunset isn’t the end, it’s just a break to welcome another sunrise.

Chill… you earned it.

Source: https://z-p3-upload.facebook.com/manilabulletin/posts/10161314946472985

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