Rappler talks to Mindanao-based artist, Kublai Millan. He’s well known for his giant sculptures in Davao City, such as his durian sculpture outside the city’s airport and his eagle sculptures in Rizal Park. He is a man with a mission — he wants to show the world that not all of Mindanao is war-torn.
Rappler talks to Mindanao-based artist, Kublai Millan. He's well known for his giant sculptures in Davao City, such as his durian sculpture outside the city's airport and his eagle sculptures in Rizal Park. He is a man with a mission — he wants to show the world that not all of Mindanao is war-torn.He shares why as an artist, he believes his work and the work of other artists can be a path to peace within the region. http://rplr.co/1zwE7wP